All the information you need for shipping Hilti products

International trade information may be required for the shipping documentation, record documentation or post-shipment reporting of your products. That’s why we provide all of the information you may need in one place.

Hilti products are subject to export restrictions under U.S. law, provided and enforced by the Bureau of Industry and Security—which defines specific export restrictions on goods, software and technologies. 

International trade information

Material #

This is a numeric product identifier that is generally found on your invoice. A search using this field should consist of a partial or whole material number. Material numbers can also be cut and pasted into the search field from an Excel spreadsheet or other product list.

Material description

This is a marketing description of the product, generally located on the invoice next to the material number. A search using this field should consist of a partial or whole description. 

HTS—harmonized tariff schedule

This is an international standardized system of numbers used to classify products for tariff determination. To search using the HTS number, enter either the whole or partial number.

ECCN—export control classification number

This categorizes items based on the type of commodity, technology or software and their technical parameters. It is an alphanumeric designation used in the Commerce Control List (CCL) to identify items for export control purposes.


For more information regarding US/CA HTS, ECCN or country of origin, call 1-800-363-4458 to speak to one of our customer service representatives.

Please note that end users, end use and country of ultimate destination may affect your export licensing requirements. You are ultimately responsible for exporting Hilti products in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) 15 Code of Federal Regulations. We encourage you to consult the EAR and any other appropriate sources before you distribute or export Hilti products.

Federal law also prohibits exports to certain countries and denied parties. You are responsible for verifying that your export complies with current sanctions.

This information is provided for your convenience. Each importer/exporter is responsible for accurate information. There is no warranty, express or implied, in connection with this information, including its accuracy.
